Monday, January 10, 2011

Martin Luther King, Jr. Project

My students are working on an Art, Writing, and Multi-Media project sponsored by the Ohio Civil Rights Commission. Here are some of their thoughts after watching Martin Luther King, Jr.'s famous "I Have a Dream" speech.

Martin Luther King was saying that we're not satisfied until everybody has freedom. I think what Martin Luther King would say needs to be fixed to have a better life is the people who don't have a home, he would probably give them a home or raise money for the people to help them out and other stuff. Another thing he would say needs fixed is for the people who don't have jobs. Maybe he would give them jobs or help them out or something.

mlk was trying to set al african americans free from the goverment and there laws about african americans are not like all of us. he wanted to stand up and say yes yes you should care about us... we are just like you but the only difference is our skin color. so what we are darker get over it. we are still living breathing people that have feelings and are here and we will not give up on our rights.

He wanted all about what he was talking about to go down in history,and it did.
He wanted the white people and the black people to get along, to go to the same schools together, walk the same streets toget her, and even drink outa the same water fountain. That's what he hoped. He wanted all people to get along. And people agreed with him; they claped and cheered him on about that. It's kinda sorta like he wanted freedom for all the blacks and whites aginst the laws saying the African Americans can not do what the white people do.

Some things I see that Martin Luther King would say something about would be the homless animals and people walking the streets with no food barley any clothes and no where to sleep. And the animals have no food & water of a place to stay.

This was a demonstration of peace (I have a dream), in the shadows of Lincoln (another man well known for freedom. He spoke many times of overcoming adversity.
Diversity-Both men and women of any color attended this speech. MLKthought America had decreased in diversity, it was time to stop diversity. He had a dream “that the nation will change”. Solidarity- all supported by clapping and showing support. I think life would be better if no one went hungry.

I feel that MLK was hurt from how white people treated AA's back then. They were wrong. Their lives are as important as everybody elses. Skin color does't matter wheather you have to drink out of a certain water foutain...that's why FREEDOM comes into place when we talk about this stuff. But as African Americans delt with these problems and they overcame adversity. Everybody faces diffculties today and tomorrow and all have a dream to be free and overcome problems in LIFE! But as everybody has deffernces (diversity) we all have lots of things in common. HOPE! Is the biggest thing in life where you and other people have.

Some animals are mistreated. I know this because of what I see on tv shows. I think that we could start another home for dogs. Dogs and cats are the most mistreated animals. If I see a dog and it looks like it's hurt, me and my mom will take it up to the shelter for hurt dogs. There's a new one in Wilmington past the police station. Near the Wilmington Park.

Diversity: Everyone is different! Inside and out. Their personality. There thoughts. Their actions. But just because of some people are a dfferent race don't mean that we can abuse them and literality KILL them! All men are created equally. That's what he says. And that's how it should of been in the first place. Martin Luther King Jr.'s promise is for all poeple to be free, not just the white, or not just the African Americans. But everyone. and All men are created equally.
What will I take a stand on? - I really care about is animals. All of the poor animals that always wonder the streets. Like cats and dogs. They have no home and no love, no food, no shelter. They are just walking around town dying all on their own. I think we should make a change about that. Animals and animal cruelty! I saw this one video on YouTube where this girl was petting a little helpless kitten. She lays it down and shoves her high heel shoes in it eyes and throat. It makes me cryyy!! I just think its horible how people tourcher and kill the poor little animals. My old neighbors dogs would always bark. Then when they told them to shut up. The dogs wouldn't shut up, so my neighbors got their bebe gun and would shoot the dogs. I just love animals so much and to see those commertials with the poor little homeless animals lookin into the camera with sad music playing...begging for a home I ask my mom if we can halp in anyway, She says no. I really want to help these animals!!!

I think Martin Luther King, Jr. was very decent and is a true man for speaking the truth and put his destiny in front of him.

Today, I am very concerned about people getting bullied about many things such as weight,looks,skin color and so much more that parents and teachers dont even know its going on.

We need freedom for skate boarders because we are always being watched by cops and critisized by people that don't understand how we are.

Martin Luther King Jr. used very strong words, like justice, to say that black and white people should be treated the same. He asked, "When will you be satisfid?... Not until we are free." "I HAVE A DREAM THAT ONE DAY THIS NATION WILL RISE UP AND WE WILL BE FREE."

Something that needs to change in our communitty is bulllying. Bullying is such a big thing that needs to change and just stop. There are a lot of people who are killing themselves because they can't take the stress and just start to hate life. That is something that really needs to change.

The thing that today people should think about is homeless and poor people. Most people don't think about how they would feel if they were in the cold and how sad it is to feel lost and forgotten and sad.

He said the people need freedom because African American people had none. Martin Luther King, Jr believed everybody is the same, no better and no worse.I agree with him. No one is better than anyone, no matter what they do even if it's special. We're all speical in our own way. He overcame his fear and others of being treated badly. Tons of people gathered around on a specific day to rejoin in a speech of Martur Luther King Jr to speak what they belive. Today we need a speaker for hatered. We need someone to say we do not need violience. People need to quite abusing animals and people.

While I'm watching this movie clip, I see m.l.k trying to free everybody from their worries and the captivity. I also see m.l.k trying to tell people just because your skin color may be dark that dosen't give people the right to be treated like dirt and still even though President Lincon signed something to free the slaves they are still held responsible in some places for doing other peoples work for them. When I'm watching this clip I see m.l.k saying diversity dosen't matter and it's wrong for people to take other people away from their homes and families to tourcher them and starve them and make them do your work and still you don't give them your respect. I see m.l.k fighting for what he believes in and not giving up until everybody is treated fairly, and so they can live freely. I see m.l.k promising he will fight for African Americans and not give up until they feel safe living where they were in that time and also he promises that people will look at each other the same way.

Ordinary people have troubles of their own but no body realy notices. Homeless people I think have the most trouble. Teenagers need more freedom. Every one needs a little freedom in their life. Even animals. They get abused, killed, and torchered to death. They even get left.

Dr. King told his followers that they need not to sit and meekly accept all of what life throws at them. They must stand up and hope and show that they are people to.

I think that the people of Israel need a voice to help convey their situation and ideas. Many politicians portray Israel as a mean country that needlessly and mercilessly kill Palistinians and Middle Eastern people. In truth, they only fight back.

I think that bullying needs a voice to it. Also I think that a little bit of Martin Luther King Jr's work needs to be finished.

I think animals who get dumped on the road or abandoned need a voice. It's unfair that poor, inoccent, helpless animals get mistreated and are thrown out. I feel so bad for those animals because what if people were treated like that? What if people got mistreated and hurt emotionally and physically and then dumped on the road or somewhere where they could get even more hurt by everything around? It's just not fair!

I think that animals need to be talked about because they need help and they can't talk so they need people to talk for them.

He talks about the slaves becoming free, but still that day they were not considered free, or even an american citizens. They were being treated differently just because of a different color skin or talk differently. He says that they refuse to be treated differently and belief they should be treated as one, equal in everyones eyes, equal in gods. Even after the Amancipation Proclomation, they were still treated differently. He talks about that the a.a. will never be able to move on knowing that they will be looked down upon, that they will not be satisfyed untill true justice is brought to them. That he and others want to be treated fairly and not be seperate from the others and have freedom and no more seperation just because of being different. He said that they have many obsticles to overcome, that they should not wallow, instead have hope that justice will be given to them.

My ideas for this project are:
Victims of crime
Female discouragment(Boys thinking they are better than girls and can do more things)
Animal cruelty
Differences in people because of race, gender, religion

My ideas for this project are it seems that people that are creative or diiferent get left out or dirty looks that thats who I think need a voice.

My HOTT Topic- People I think have adversity is Homeless people and child abuse. I think its not right for people to be homless. Everyone should have a home to call there own! People shouldnt just have to live outside in the cold and fight or survile. Child abuse isnt right, I personaly know people who have faced child abuse and its not cool. It hurt kids physcly and mentally. People need to actually start worring about these things. Its a huge problem EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!

He believed all people were equal. When the people atending the speech cheered that was solidarity. Many people attended the speech. People who attended the speech showed their solidarity by cheering, clapping, and attending. Some people who have to overcome obstacle are homless people, people in other counteres like in South Africa, the different skin colored do not get along, and in the south in the U.S there is still racisim.

Some civil rights issues today are slaves. I don't know where they are but they need to stop.

Issues today include soldiers returning home, because they can become agressive and different emotional.

I agree with MLK. I am not racist in any way, skin color does not bother me. I believe that if if someone would do the same as he did, but with a different topic, then there would be another change in our world. I feel passion for people that are homeless or starving, and teenage girls that get pregnant. Its very sad to have to see people walking around homeless and asking for food. It also bothers me when pregnant teenagers get dirty looks. I have experience this with my sister, yes it was their fault. But that doesn't mean that they are trashy. I have passion for people that have been through any of this!

Groups of people that have to deal with adversity today are : Homeless people, Single moms, Door people

I believe that boys/men need to stop seeing girls as weak links. We can fight stop calling us weak because we might be smaller.And I believe that what the girl is speaking about homeless people is right too. MOSTLY I BELIEVE THAT JUST BECAUSE SOMEBODY HAS A DIFFERENT RELIGION THAT YOU CANNOT BE FRIENDS WITH THEM. Don't judge a book by its cover. That applies to all of us. ALL.OF.US

MLK said that people should take a stand and the black people should make themselves free from the white people's hostility because they had had enough and they wanted a change to happen so that all could live together peacefuly and be equals. The people should put apart their differences and work together.

I believe that the people that got laid off during the recession should have a voice and shout at the big corporate companies that they are to greedy and should use some of their wealth to help hire people instead of getting big payouts to the CEO's

MLK believed he could change the world and he did. Thanks to MLK we are treated equally.

I think that the economy needs to be a lot more fair. For instance the government plays so many "games" with us that so many Americans are in debt. And jobs are being lost everywhere that it just seems the world is unfair and unjust. The prices keep going up.

I believe that people need to stop not caring about other people and everyone should just care about everyone and try to help everyone even if you don't really like that person very well. Help people that need it!!

I think that we need to break down social barriers. Break up all the cliques and just have one group together.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Welcome to the Second Half of 7th Grade!

It's hard to believe that the year is half over! We are nearing the end of the first semester and there's still so much more to do! We have finally received our class set of netbooks! We are preparing to launch a whole new learning experience with project based learning. This will be an exciting time of learning, creating, collaborating, and thinking with your teacher and your classmates. We will read and write to discover more about ourselves and our community and the world. Ready? Set! Discover!

Ahead this week...
1. Finish up 2nd Quarter Book Talks
2. Work on Martin Luther King, Jr. Freedom Song Project
3. Write about what we believe about freedom, solidarity, civil rights, and overcoming adversity - then move into choices - art or multi-media project
4. This I Believe podcasts and essays